Paid Companionship Industry Insights Episode 1: UK Online Safety Act & EU Digital Services Act

Paid Companionship Industry Insights Episode 1: UK Online Safety Act & EU Digital Services Act

by Choice - June 26, 2024
Paid Companionship Industry Insights Episode 1: UK Online Safety Act & EU Digital Services Act

In the first episode of the Paid Companionship Industry Insights, Harper Thornhill, former Online Representative of the UK Sexworkers Union, and Arik Brueckner, co-founder and CEO of Choice Technologies, discuss the UK Online Safety Act and its implications for the paid companionship and paid intimacy industry. They also explored the EU's Digital Services Act and the changes it may bring to the industry.

Harper and Arik provide an overview of the UK Online Safety Act, explaining its purpose and key components. They highlight the potential impact on the paid companionship and paid intimacy sector, focusing on compliance and safety requirements especially for providers.

Additionally, the discussion covered the EU's Digital Services Act, comparing its objectives and regulatory measures to those of the UK Online Safety Act. Harper and Arik examine how these legislative changes might affect industry practices and standards across Europe.

Watch the full discussion on YouTube below:

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