Data Protection and Cybersecurity Practices

Last modified on 19 Juni, 2024

1. Expertise in Cybersecurity

Our cybersecurity framework is based on the experience of our CTO, who previously worked at Open Systems AG in Zurich, which is one of the leading cybersecurity providers worldwide.

Key projects included the handling of sensitive information, particularly in domains like finance and taxes. Dealing with such critical data has honed our skills in managing, securing, and protecting sensitive information against a multitude of cyber threats.

2. Enhanced Cloud Cybersecurity

We use Cloudflare for comprehensive cloud cybersecurity, leveraging their advanced DDoS mitigation, proxy services, Web Application Firewall (WAF), Secure CDN (Content Delivery Network), SSL/TLS encryption, Bot Management, Zero Trust Security, DNS Security, API Security, and Network Layer Security. These tools are essential for protecting against a broad spectrum of cyber threats, ensuring our system's security, reliability, and performance.

3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

All employees are required to use two-factor authentication (2FA) along with complex, computer-generated passwords for accessing any third-party systems. This combination of security measures significantly diminishes the risk of unauthorized access.

4. IT Infrastructure Security

Our IT infrastructure, hosted on AWS Cloud, is safeguarded by stringent access controls. This limited access model is crucial for ensuring that only authorized personnel can access our network, thereby bolstering overall security.

In addition to these controls, we implement a 'block by default' policy across various security groups. This means any attempt to access resources is denied unless expressly permitted, significantly reducing the potential for unauthorized access.

Furthermore, most of our services are strategically placed in a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). This separation between internal and external networks adds an extra layer of security, protecting sensitive internal data while allowing controlled access to necessary external services.

We leverage a suite of AWS security services, including AWS Security Hub, AWS Config, and AWS GuardDuty, among others, to enhance our security posture. These tools provide continuous monitoring, compliance checks, and threat detection, ensuring immediate identification and response to any unusual activity or potential security threats.

All aspects of our network and services are under constant surveillance, maintaining the integrity and security of our IT infrastructure.

5. Data Encryption

For file storage, we use Server-Side Encryption with Amazon S3 Managed Keys (SSE-S3), ensuring all data, including provider images, are encrypted. To enhance security, we implement short-lived signed URLs for file access, restricting the availability of these URLs to a brief, predetermined duration.

Sensitive information, such as user phone numbers, is encrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256), with encryption keys securely stored to prevent unauthorized access. Additionally, we utilize various AWS tools, including AWS Secrets Manager, AWS Certificate Manager, and AWS Database Encryption, to further secure our infrastructure and manage sensitive information effectively.

6. Data Storage Location

All user data is stored in Frankfurt, Germany on AWS, ensuring compliance with stringent regional data protection regulations. By hosting data in European data centers, we adhere to the high standards set by local laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

7. User Verification and Data Storage

We utilize GBG ( for our Level 1 user verification for both providers and customers. This means a government-issued document scan is performed and matched with a selfie of the user. This data is stored on GBG infrastructure for a maximum of 30 days from the date the process was performed. There is no way of extending this storage period for GBG infrastructure. After this period the document data and selfie are permanently deleted from the GBG infrastructure and stored on CHOICE infrastructure (AWS) only if there was a booking within the last 30 days (to ensure the community safety). In case of a violation of the CHOICE Code or other behavior that led to the permanent suspension of the account with CHOICE for the protection of our community we store a hashed version of the first name, last name, date of birth combination of the user to prevent that user from re-registering again in the future with a different phone number. Hashing is a cryptographic technique that generates a consistent, fixed-size output, known as a hash, from a given input. This process ensures that the same input will always produce the same hash. Importantly, hashing is designed to be a one-way function, meaning it cannot be reversed to reveal the original input. This ensures the security and privacy of the original data, as it cannot be read or retrieved from the hash.

8. User Data Deletion Protocol

Upon a user's request for account deletion, our fully automated system ensures their data is removed promptly and permanently from our database. This is not possible when there is a pending booking or feedback on a past booking is still outstanding. The reason for that is that our identity escrow process is designed to prevent a violation of our CHOICE Code behavioral guidelines and thus to protect our users we ensure a copy of the government issued ID and selfie are available in case we are legally obliged to provide it.

9. Automated Cybersecurity Scanning Tools

Automated scanning tools are in place to ensure the source code meets security and quality objectives. This includes verification against OWASP Top 10. We extensively utilize automated tools such as Snyk and SonarQube for continuous cybersecurity scanning, complemented by other services including AWS’s own scanning capabilities. This broad spectrum of tools enables proactive identification and mitigation of potential vulnerabilities across our infrastructure.

In our commitment to security, we adhere to a strict policy of addressing identified critical vulnerabilities within a resolution timeframe of 24 hours from detection.

10. Sensitive Data Restrictions

We only utilize sensitive data when it's absolutely necessary for the execution of essential operational functions. This approach is integral to maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of user data.

We have controls in place to prevent sensitive data from being shared with third-party software, except in cases where it's imperative for specific functions, such as authentication processes. Even in these scenarios, the sharing of data is governed by strict protocols to ensure maximum security.

Additionally, our software development best practices ensure that sensitive data is not logged or stored in any form that could lead to unauthorized access or exposure.

11. Human Resources Security

All our employees and contractors operate under strict Non-Disclosure (NDA) and Confidentiality agreements. Offboarding of staff and revocation of user access is done promptly avoiding unauthorized access to information.

12. Roadmap

As part of our ongoing commitment to cybersecurity, we aim to achieve ISO 27001 certification within 2025. In preparation of this we are planning to conduct comprehensive external cybersecurity testing, including penetration testing and audits. These activities are contingent on a Series-A fundraising process we aim to close within Q1, 2025.

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