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Loneliness as a Global Health Crisis

Loneliness is Crisis

Loneliness is a global health crisis and is estimated to have a similar negative impact on our health as smoking (Loneliness as a health issue, The Lancet, July 2023: This is no different in Switzerland where an estimated ⅓ of the population is experiencing or suffering from loneliness yet there is no service to address this. But why? We believe the root cause is the stigma regarding paid companionship in connection with paid intimate companionship or paid intimacy services (synonymously known as escort services or sex work). So we said that’s where we will start with our mission to de-stigmatize paid companionship: An inclusive, safe and modern marketplace for paid intimacy services as a role model for the world.

Dignity and Professionalism in Paid Companionship

At Choice, we believe in the dignity and professionalism of all forms of work, including those within the sphere of paid companionship and intimacy services. Nobody should have to compromise their safety or the integrity of their body especially when they pursue a legal activity in a country. Paid intimacy services are de-criminalized in Switzerland since 1942 yet it is still a taboo in society and providers are largely marginalized instead of integrated into the community. The market is estimated to be of the size of CHF 3.2bn per year («Innere Sicherheit der Schweiz 2005», S. 62) which translates to about one million meetings at a price of CHF 250 per meeting. Compared to the current total population of Switzerland of 8.8 million (Source: this would mean that on average one out of 9 people in Switzerland spends CHF 250 for paid intimacy on a monthly basis. Applied to Switzerland’s adult population of 7.1 million people (Source: it’s one out of 7 people. Given this overwhelming popularity of paid intimacy services we believe that there is a hypocritical message originating from our society. On one hand we promote gender equality and inclusiveness as well as modern ways for consenting people to meet for social and intimate encounters while on the other hand we choose to stigmatize an entire industry and with that also its workforce. It is our conviction that the integration process of paid intimacy services into society needs to start with a modern and safe booking process.

How can you contact us about this?

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us.

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