Safety by design.
Built with and for you.

Set your availability, receive verified booking requests and accept, reject or propose a new time

Manage your availability

Just specify dates, city and your schedule. Only receive booking requests when it’s convenient for you.

No negotiations

Specify the services you offer and the pricing, no discussions with customers.

No fees for ads

We are 100% free for you. Customers pay us a booking fee of 10% on top of your prices.

Serious booking requests only

Customers can’t contact you without a detailed booking request. You decide if you want to chat.


Verified clients (with ID and selfie), clear behavioral guidelines (CHOICE Code), protected communication

Our customers go through the same verification process as our providers and pay a fee to confirm the booking
  • Only bookings matching your availability and services
  • Booking requests contain all details
  • No-questions-asked decisions on booking requests
  • Contact by customers only possible after booking request

    Safety & Data Privacy

    Your pictures are only visible to verified customers, no sharing of phone numbers and chat option only available during active bookings
  • Specific country blocking
  • In-app chat
  • Screening questions
  • Automatic face blur
  • Onboarding Process

    How to become a provider?

    Create Profile

    Verify your phone and begin by setting up your profile. Select your services and prices, set your availability, and add profile and gallery pictures.

    Verify Age

    Complete your profile by verifying that you are an adult. Use government ID and face match technology, similar to online banking standards, for a secure and reliable verification.

    Receive Booking Requests

    Complete your profile by going through the age verification process with our partner GBG, the global leader for ID checks. Now you are ready to submit your profile for approval.

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    Choice Technologies © 2024

    All rights reserved